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In 2022, we were invited to “see all things new in Christ” as our Parish celebrated Ignatian 500 with the Jesuit family around the world.

In 2023, we invite you to continue that journey through the theme, “Finding God’s Presence In My Life”. Across the next 12 months, we’ll explore what this means for us as individuals, communities and ministries as well as in our outreach to others through Ignatian Spirituality.

You can look forward to a series of Ignatian Retreats in this new year - both locally and overseas, Weekly Interactive Video Reflections (Take 5 with Iggy) and Prayer Resources to help us become more aware of God’s presence in our lives.


These activities are just the start. The PPC will be working with our various ministry clusters to come up with other programmes for parishioners. We hope that you will join in the activities together as a Parish community to find God’s presence in our daily lives.

Take 5 with Iggy

Take 5 with Iggy

Take 5 with Iggy
Take 5 Live - One Community of Faith, Hope and Love
Play Video

Take 5 Live - One Community of Faith, Hope and Love

Take 5 with Iggy: For Pilgrims of Hope - The Pope Video 12
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Take 5 with Iggy: For Pilgrims of Hope - The Pope Video 12

Reviewing 2024: The Plot Twist Examen
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Reviewing 2024: The Plot Twist Examen

Past Events


Feast Day 2023 Celebrations

Gather your family and friends as we come together as one parish to celebrate our Feast Day on Saturday, 29 July 2023.


There will be a Parish Recollection led by Fr Hung Pham, SJ, with our theme "Finding God's Presence in my Life", Eucharistic Adoration and group sharing, followed by Feast Day Mass with Cardinal William Goh. We end the evening with a sumptuous dinner and fellowship after Mass.



Saturday, 29 July 2023

1.30 to 9.00pm, Main Church/ St Ignatius Hall

Fr Monty Talks
Fr Monty Talks-10.jpg

Evening of Talks by Fr Monty

Come join Fr Monty Williams, SJ, internationally acclaimed Retreat Leader and Spiritual Director in Ignatian Spirituality, for an evening of talks this June.


Talk 1: What Happens When We Pray
Prayer makes us attentive to God and opens us to a love which transforms us, carrying us ever closer to the fullness of life God offers to all.  Praying is different from saying prayers. The latter is performance; praying is an engagement in intimacy.

Watch Video of Talk 1 here


Talk 2: Ignatian Spirituality for Today
Using the daily examen to remain on one's spiritual path

Watch Video of Talk 2 here

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