Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule (all Masses are in English)
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 6pm
Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 4pm & 6pm
Weekday Masses
Monday - Saturday: 7.30am
Monday - Friday: 6pm (except 1st Friday, Mass at 8pm)
First Friday Mass to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Every 1st Friday, 8pm, followed by Eucharistic Adoration
Memorial Mass
Every 4th Friday, 6pm, followed by prayers at the Columbarium
Online Livestream Masses
Sunday: 8am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions are available 30 minutes before Friday Evening Mass & before every Weekend Mass. Confessions will end 5 minutes before the Mass start.
For urgent matters, you may call the Parish office at 6466 0625 to schedule an appointment.
Other Prayers/ Devotions
Weekday Rosary
Monday - Saturday, after the 7.30am Mass
Monday - Friday, 5.15pm before the 6pm Mass
Divine Mercy Devotion
Every Wednesday, after the 6pm Mass
Eucharistic Adoration for Children
Every 3rd Friday, 7pm
For updates on parish activities, check our latest bulletin.
For Mass collection/donations details please click here.
For Mass intentions, click here.