Our Ministries > Prayer & Devotion
A ministry called to serve God through outpouring the charismatic gifts. Meetings include healing sessions, Mass, bible sharing, talks, sharing or intercessory prayers.
Christian meditation is a simple prayer of the heart. Through the years of daily practice, we realise this prayer form has led us to know ourselves better and to discern the reality of life.
A ministry that ministers to the marginalised through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. These include social outreach programmes and prayer sessions.
A ministry dedicated to leading children into the mystery of the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and experiencing the love of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
A Eucharistic Adoration Ministry that promotes and bring parishioners into a deeper relationship with Christ through Eucharistic Adoration programmes.
The Legion of Mary in St. Ignatius has about 100 members and is made up of six praesidia. We live out the Parish goals by conducting prayers at every meeting, visiting Aged Homes and participating in evangelisation works.
The aim of this ministry is to journey with fellow pilgrims in the Ignatian tradition of “finding God in all things” especially in our own unique life situations and day-to-day experiences. Praying with one’s imagination and creativity are valuable means of encountering God in the Open Studio.
With a common love for our Blessed Mother, we strive to follow Mother Mary in our daily living and praying the rosary daily. We ask Our Lady to intercede for the intentions of our Pope, bishops, priests and religious, as well as for the Parish.