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New Beginnings - A Collection of Testimonies from 2020's RCIA and RCIY Neophytes

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

My RCIA journey began in September 2020 when I was alone in Singapore. My husband and 3 children are already baptised except for myself. I didn't tell my husband who was in Jakarta at the time about my joining RCIA. I could only depend on Father Colin, my facilitators Anthony and Pao Yi to guide me during our ZOOM sessions. I would go to church with my family, hear all the Bible readings and homily, but never really listened. My husband called us "submarine Catholics" who only attend church on Christmas and Good Friday. I asked many silly questions at the beginning because there were so many Bible readings which I didn't understand at all. But I did memorize all the prayers which Father Colin told us to. When I was presented with a Catholic Bible on my Rite of Acceptance, I was at a loss to how to start with such a thick volume of more than 1,400 pages. But our RCIA sessions twice a week have taught me more and more, and I began to understand more of the Bible passages and different readings from the prophets, Jesus' disciples and definitely all of Father Colin's homilies. I’m so blessed that God gives me this opportunity to be guided by Father Colin, Anthony and Pao Yi, and my group for walking this journey.

- Sumiati Sakri

I was raised in a Buddhist family and became a free-thinker after my marriage. God has planned my life by giving me two wonderful children, many wonderful friends and opportunities to travel and visit beautiful churches, and so my desire to become a Catholic began. I would visit Perth often with my dear friend Teresa and she would bring me along for Masses after shopping. In March 2018, our mutual friend, Angelica, got baptised in Perth and I was honoured to witness her beautiful baptism by Father Aloysius from Singapore. In fact, Father Aloysius asked me whether I would like to be baptised, but I declined as I was not ready. However, the seed of faith was planted in me. Last year, my good friend Doris was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Prior to her passing, I witnessed her baptism by Father Colin. Being present and watching her go peacefully back into the light filled me with the courage I lacked all this time. When Father Colin told me that he is conducting RCIA for those who wanted to get baptised in the coming Easter, without any hesitation, I happily enrolled myself in RCIA, with support from my godmother Teresa. Today, I stand humbly in front of God, in front of you brothers and sisters. I’m ready to join God’s big family. Thank you so much everyone, especially Father Colin and Teresa for helping me in this journey. To Jesus be all the glory and honour, Amen.

- Justina Tan Siew Hong

As a Protestant, I had always been skeptical about the Catholic faith. After leaving my former church, I was constantly church-hopping, trying to find God again. I had many doubts about the Catholic faith, and I never thought I would convert. It was two full years of RCIY sessions before I decided to commit to baptism when I finally felt a sense of certainty. Eventually, I started seeing the beauty of the Mass and the sacraments. During the two years, I have always thought it was me searching for Christ. But amidst the feelings of loneliness and doubts, I realised that He has always been pursuing me. When I finally partook in the Eucharist, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and teared up immediately because that’s when I knew He has never abandoned me. A big thank you to Fr Colin, all the sponsors and planners of RCIY for making this such an amazing experience for us. I’m looking forward to what’s ahead of me in this journey I have with Christ!

- Zeen Tng (RCIY)

I was formerly from Church of the Holy Spirit I was introduced to St Ignatius Church by my former classmate Ashley Chia whom I met in CJC. I was baptised in 2009, but didn’t attend Catechism classes. I always wondered what God was really like and felt the church was a lodestone of that emptiness I had in my spiritual faith. When I first joined RCIY, I already felt so welcomed by everyone. Everyone was so pure and genuine, which I really appreciated! From the meals or welcome tea to DVC's trivia night, I really felt at home almost immediately. As I journeyed towards confirmation, I learnt more about God's ways, and could understand him better through my reflections and prayers every night. Meeting and journeying with these new friends has been amazing, as I feel a more complete Catholic after this whole journey. My Catholic journey has just started, and I can’t wait to explore more about the Faith throughDVC and other communities!

- Cassidy Thng (RCIY)

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