P6 TO S1 RE-REGISTRATION EXERCISE The Annual Re-registration Exercise for Primary Six children moving to the Secondary One level of the Weekend Catechetical Programme has started. An email has been sent out to Parents of this cohort. Please note that the re-registration is COMPULSORY and has to be done by November 30, 2021, after which the registration will be open to those new to the program. Number of spaces are limited so do hurry. S2 TO S3 COMBINED SESSION An email has also been sent to parents of this cohort to inform them that there will be only ONE combined session on Sundays, 9.45am to 11.45am. We hope all the Secondary Two teens currently in our program would be able to continue with this new timing. Should they be unable to, please make alternative arrangement to continue on their faith journey.
PRIMARY 1 REGISTRATION The 2022 Primary One Registration for the Weekend Catechetical Programme for children born in 2015 will start on November 8, 2021. Deadline for registration is December 31, 2021. Kindly register via the following link: https://forms.gle/5ZtYdCnAWBWZbehk8 If you have missed the enrolment window or have any enquiries, please email us at: stignatius.wecat@gmail.com.