IMPORTANT UPDATES (effective 1 April 2022):
No bookings required for Weekday Masses except for all important Feast days, Solemnity and Days of Obligation that fall on a WEEKDAY (Holy Thursday & Good Friday in April)
Revised Weekend Mass booking quota and booking days There will now be only 2 Booking Days for the month instead of 4. • The first Booking Day will have a quota for 2 Weekend Masses. • The second Booking Day will be for all other weekends in that month.
Booking for Chrism Mass Chrism Mass will be held at the Church of the Holy Family on 14 April 2022, 10am. Booking for Chrism Mass will commence from 5 April 2022, 9am onwards on a first-come-first-served basis.
For further details go to
APRIL MASS BOOKING SCHEDULE The booking for Masses in April for our parish will be made available on the following dates below via
Date | Timeframe of Masses |
Tuesday, 29 March 2022, 3pm | Stage 1 booking for Weekend Masses in April + Holy Week & Penitential Services (please refer to the schedule below) Allowable Booking Quota: - 3 weekend Masses - 1 Mass for Holy Thursday - 1 Service for Good Friday - 1 Slot for Penitential Service (on a separate Tab) |
Tuesday, 05 April 2022, 3pm | Stage 2 booking for any balance Weekend Mass + Chrism Mass Allowable Booking Quota: - 2 weekend Masses (April has 5 weekends) - 1 Chrism Mass (on a separate Tab, 9am onwards) |
A uniform 1-hour booking cancellation and 45-minute booking cut-off before the Mass time will be applied across ALL parishes.
With effect from 1 April 2022, there will be changes to our Mass timings. Please take note of the revised schedule and capacity below.
Weekend Masses (700 pax)
Saturday, 6.00pm (No more 4.30pm Mass) Sunday, 8.00am, 10.00am, 12.00pm, 4.00pm & 6.00pm
Weekday Masses (No bookings required)
Monday - Saturday, 7.30am
Monday - Friday, 7.00pm
On Public Holiday, evening Masses will be celebrated at 6pm instead of 7pm. Unvaccinated Mass
Friday, 6.00pm, La Storta Room (5 pax) For Unvaccinated Mass, please book at Bookings open on Tuesday, 29 March at 3.30pm. Please note that there will be no Mass on15 April, Good Friday, instead it will be a Communion Service.
Lenten Penitential Service
Saturday, 03 April, 2pm - 3pm (100 pax)
Wednesday, 06 April, 8pm -10pm (200 pax)
Thursday, 07 April, 8pm -10pm (200 pax)
Friday, 08 April, 8pm -10pm (200 pax)
Palm Sunday (900 pax)
Saturday 09 April, 6.00pm Sunday 10 April, 8.00am, 10.00am, 12.00pm, 4.00pm & 6.00pm
Maundy Thursday (900 pax)
Thursday 14 April, 7.30pm
Good Friday (900 pax)
Friday 15 April, 12.00pm, 3.00pm & 6.00pm Stations of the Cross at 9.30am (no bookings required)
Easter Vigil/ Holy Saturday (900 pax)
Saturday 16 April, 7.30pm
Easter Sunday (900 pax) Sunday 17 April, 8.00am, 10.00am, 12.00pm, 4.00pm & 6.00pm (Reserved for RCIA Adult Baptism)
Ministry of Health (MOH) has defined the following categories of persons deemed to be vaccinated and allowed for entry into public Masses
Fully vaccinated, as indicated by TraceTogether or HealthHub status
Recovered from COVID-19 infections and granted a 180-day exemption period (including unvaccinated or partially unvaccinated) & have an official MOH Discharge Memo
Medically ineligible for vaccination, as indicated by either TraceTogether or HealthHub status or an official certificate issued by MOH
Children aged 12 years and younger (born on or after 2010). There will no longer be any limit on the number of children for the booking of Masses.
From 1 January 2022, in line with the Government regulations, Pre-Event Testing (PET) results will not be accepted for entry to Vaccinated-only Masses.
Entry will be denied if you fail to produce the relevant proofs needed.
Updated as of 28 March 2022